Zora Zamecnikova, M.Ed.

My entire project is set up to realize my mission in real estate and community housing.

I help investors from all over the world find the ideal real estate in the UK with all services so that they do not have to worry about anything.

I help small and large communities, charities, churches, and non-profit organizations to find a suitable place and investors for their community housing projects or housing for their clients with special needs

I help individual sellers to sell their property quickly and successfully.


📌 Czech Wells – 2010 – until now (sole trader – education, coaching and social company)

📌 Cohousing 3.0 Enabler/Advisor – 2019 (training London)

📌 Heaven on Earth Property Ltd – 2022 (Ltd – starting property business)

📌 Professional Deal Sourcer & Packager – UK Registration 2022

📌 Master’s Degree in Education, Pedagogy and Psychology

My company is based on the Christian values of honesty and service to others.

When I came to England in 2007, I didn’t speak English at all, so I worked for several years as a cleaner and helper, even though I have a master’s degree in psychology and education.
However, working as a cleaner allowed me to gain a lot of experience in real estate up close. I lived and cleaned – among other things – in many coliving houses (HMOs) and watched how the system worked from the side of landlords and from the side of tenants. I was gathering my first experience…

I founded my own educational company and became interested in the functioning of social systems in the UK. I cooperated with various charities, churches, non-profit organizations and monitored their goals, how to achieve them, and the problems they faced. My company joined the English Social Enterprise system, I received two awards for helping immigrants with their successful assimilation into society.

The social problems I saw have directed my interest into real estate. Many clients of non-profits don’t have where to live. There is not enough social and affordable housing. The organizations themselves do not have suitable premises for their activities at an affordable price. Property prices and rents have been skyrocketing for many years and, according to statistics and development forecasts for the English property market, they will continue to do so.

I began to ask myself: Isn’t there a better way to meet people’s needs in real estate? Especially of those who work for a minimum wage and the normal market rent is not an option for them. At the same time, how do we meet the needs of property owners for legitimate costs to make the situation a win-win? This is the only sustainable and ethical way in the long run.

I first encountered the amazing concept of community housing, which attempts to solve the difficult housing situation for people with lower and middle incomes, and also problems with social isolation. And I began meeting different groups of people interested in community housing because I was also interested in living in this type of housing. According to official sources, the government has supported this trend for years, but the vast majority of community housing groups are completely failing to implement such projects.

There are several reasons for this:

1/ They rely too much on the promises of the government and cannot reach the promised money.

2/ Groups are very diversified and often led by people who do not have the necessary knowledge and skills to create and implement the entire project. Furthermore, these leaders usually don’t even have the necessary time and energy for the project in addition to their job and caring for families.

3/ Even if the groups already have the experts needed to implement physical projects, they often do not care about building healthy relationships in the group and managing people and other processes that each company has. A cohousing project is a company like any other. The area of work with people is the most neglected part of all projects and one-time training on communication will not save the situation.

From 2017 I started studying the functioning of the real estate market in England to find out how I can realize my vision of community housing for the general public.

So during the years I attended private training courses with the most successful English real estate entrepreneurs (Gill Fielding, Progressive Property, Ritchie Clapson, Ian Child, Rob Moore, Kevin McDonnell, Chris Peel, Paul Smith, Neil McCoy-Ward, Liam Ryan, Jamie York, Simon Zutshi, Janette & Barry White, etc.) and countless webinars in the field of real estate and cohousing. 

I gathered contacts and knowledge of experienced people in the field. I learned from their mistakes and recommendations.

I attended several months of training of community cohousing advisors in London because I wanted to find out why community housing groups cannot reach the government-promised support.

The training was really thorough and I got an overall picture of how the cohousing system works in England. In the Czech Republic where I come from there was nothing like this at that time, while in England the system of cohousing has been operating for about 25 years.

The training allowed me to understand why groups of interested people have no chance to complete their projects – and at the same time where the existing cohousing system itself does not work for people. I.e. in the area of community and relationship management. This area is heavily overlooked. In the belief that people will “somehow communicate while eating.“

The current system of creating community housing focuses too much on building houses, but does not care about building relationships and skills needed to make the project work (people and business skills).

And so my plan to create my own community housing projects was born, which would eliminate the existing problems. I call them New Earth projects because the way people will work, create and communicate together in them is different from what we know so far. It is different in mindset and in the values that the groups live.

I started creating my own educational system for people interested in healthy communities because building housing is not enough. The community must also learn to work together like any other company. They need to jointly work on sorting out not only eating together but also common operational and economic matters, including possible problems with neighbors.

The current system of creating community housing focuses too much on building houses, but does not care so much about building relationships and skills needed to make the project work (people and business skills).

Then, in 2022, I finally decided to put my acquired knowledge and my vision into practice and my company Heaven on Earth Property Ltd. was established. I registered all mandatory state-prescribed registrations and insurance for property business so that I and my clients would be fully protected from unexpected situations.

In 2023 I went back to my favorite non-profits from the past and started working again with Flourish Together and Great Manchester Community Led Homes.


My entire project is set up to realize my mission in real estate and community housing.

📌 I help investors from all over the world find the ideal real estate in Manchester with all the services so that they do not have to worry about anything.

📌 I help individual sellers to sell their property quickly and successfully.

📌 I help small and large communities, charities, churches, and non-profit organizations to find suitable places and investors for their community housing projects or housing for their clients with special needs.

Jozef Toth, Holiday Homes Edinburgh

We have been working with Zora on market research and sourcing a property for a holiday let purpose. Zora was very professional in every aspect of her work. The activities Zora provided for us included finding potential properties, market research and due diligence for each unit, viewing the properties and providing a comprehensive report. With us being located in Scotland, it was a huge help that we could rely on Zora and her expertise about the local area. Very trustable and hard working, honest person. I can warmly recommend Zora’s services to any investor or property manager who is looking to grow his/her portfolio.

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